- Live video tutelage: REAPING
- Professional service: MOSS
- Custom scheduling available
DETAILS: This tax preparation educational service also includes one (1x) complete 2024 tax filing provided by a partnership with Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC.
WARNING: All sales are final. This product contains live video coaching and is not subject to refunds of any kind. Please be aware of this before purchasing.
DISCLAIMER: By purchasing this service, you fully agree to the following:
- You are a legal U.S resident
- You are at least 18 years of age
- You will adhere to all applicable U.S safety standards
- You will adhere to all applicable U.S state laws
- You will adhere to all applicable U.S federal laws
- You will adhere to the current Internal Revenue Code
- You assume full and complete responsibility for any and all actions undertaken by your business
- Your business will not condone, engage in, or support any form of criminal activity
- You fully understand the one-time tax filing service being provided by Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC is for the 2024 tax year only
- You fully understand the one-time tax filing service being provided by Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC is not transferable to another party
- You fully understand the one-time tax filing service being provided by Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC is a disregarded entity tax filing, comprising all forms of that disregarded entity's income, including both personal and business related
- You fully understand the one-time tax filing service being provided by Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC must be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service before the APR-2025 deadline
- You fully understand that we (Grim Reaper LLC and Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC) will make all reasonable efforts to get you scheduled for the one-time tax filing service before the APR-2025 deadline - however, we make absolutely no guarantees to do so
- You fully understand that if you fail to properly schedule and show up to your one-time tax filing service appointment and or fail to provide Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC all legally required items to complete your tax filing with the Internal Revenue Service by the APR-2025 deadline, that you will completely forfeit that one-time tax filing service being provided by Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC
- You release Grim Reaper LLC, REAPING, Teachable, Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC, our affiliates, and associates of any and all legal liability during and after your time as a student of this school
- You release Grim Reaper LLC, REAPING, Teachable, Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC, our affiliates, and associates of any and all financial liability during and after your time as a student of this school
- You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and promise not to sue Grim Reaper LLC, REAPING, Teachable, Casey Moss Tax & Accounting LLC, our associates, and affiliates for any and all liabilities and or claims made as a result of your participation in our services